Some of you would not be surprised to learn that we have a daily schedule, printed I might add, to help the kids, and us, have some structure and hopefully help the day go faster. We've been trying to pull out before 0830-0900. The formal schedule goes something like this:
0900-Prayer and devotion
0930-Movie #1 (Mom chooses the movie list on a daily basis
1100-The Little Man Show (usually a Disney short)
1130-Story Time with Mom (Mom is currently reading "Nim's Island")
1300-Movie #2
1500-Movie #3
As with most things in life, flexibility is the key.
Speaking of flexibility, after probably the easiest and friendliest border crossing I've ever experienced, we witnessed the moving of a house in the small town of Estevan, Saskatchewan. I couldn't resist snapping the pictures at what was a most peculiar site noting the man riding on the front of the house. I strategically noted the price of gas as well. And for clarification, that's $1.039 per liter. Translated that's about 3.75 per gallon--Ouch!
I should mention the second picture with the flag was just before crossing the border, and the afghan flag was made for us by a dear lady in our Columbus church, Lorrie M., as a going away gift. And yes, there are 50 stars in it as well! The other flag picture was at our campground, the Saskatchewan 16 West, on their play structure with some other kids playing there.
We've already jumped two time zones, it's 0720 locally, and my body still thinks I'm on the last time zone as I awoke well before 0600 here. And before any of you think otherwise it has nothing to do with age!
Well, so much for that morning solitude as one of my offspring is hanging on my leg and the others are beginning to stir. Today it's off to Edmonton, our shortest jaunt yet, 326 miles from here, as well as a "vacation" day tomorrow at the West Edmonton Mall--Woo Hoo! More to come.
Phrase of the day from yesterday: "I would so punch them in the face" (Shayna commenting aloud in response to a scene from the afternoon movie. She must get her propensity to violence from her mother!)
Blessings to all!
The Lee Clan
thanks for the blog. I'm enjoying your journey, especially known I've traveled many of the same roads! It's a good trip down memory lane. May God continue to bless you with safe travels and happy siblings!