In the other pictures you can see the house is coming along. The drywall crew is in full swing and should be here today to begin sanding--Yuck! But that's a good thing as not long after sanding comings spraying and painting. And not long after painting will come carpet. And after carpet will come shouts of joy as we frolic in our bare feet down the hall to the bedrooms where slumber will occur in a real bedroom! In fact, the children have now officially moved to the garage for their sleeping quarters. The low on Friday got down to 3 degrees so Mom and Dad decided it was time. Good call as last nights low was -5. Mom and Dad however, continue to survive sleeping in the camper until said carpet arrives. More to come.
Blessings to all,
The Lee Clan
How wonderful, but sooo cold! Matti wants you all to know that she misses you, and we miss you too. We're hoping and praying that you get moved in quickly ;D